Our free content delivery network makes your website load quickly, wherever your users are.

Global CDN

How a CDN works

A Content Delivery Network is what makes a website load faster for users regardless of wherever they are in the world.

This is made possible by caching(storing) copies of your websites on servers at the network edge. If for example your site is hosted at a USA data center, there might be a delay if you try to access that website from the UK. So a cache of your website is stored on a server to the user. This process is called a Point of Presence.

Copies of your website’s data is stored at different POPs all over the world to ensure that your site loads faster in remote places. Wherever your users are, they will navigate your website more effectively.

Even though it is good for users, it also helps your site in other ways. Search engines especially Google love fast-loading websites so there is a SEO benefit to having a CDN.

Our free CDN

Our CDN provides the same premium caching features as that of Paid CDN providers.

It has a 1-click activation but we also give advancer users the option to use development mode . They have the total freedom to experiment.

The cache can be purged in one click to make instant updates. Annoying visitors can also be blocked by IP country or address.

Our comprehensive set of statistics enables you to stay on top of site performance and monitor your site for problems. You will get the raw data on on your site CDN activities , which is usually represented in charts.

cdn features

The same network as the web giants

Our CDN makes use of the same internet exchange points (neutral data centres) used by AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure and many other leading tech companies. So EgacWeb customers get access to enterprise-level connectivity.

Fast loading websites anywhere

Our global network will edge-cache full pages close to where the user is based. It works with our StackCache WordPress module – no plugins required – as well as any other software that sets public cache control headers. So it works for any site: Linux, Windows or WordPress.

99.99% uptime guarantee

Reliability and uptime

Improve reliability and uptime of your website, wherever your user is based. As your site is served from data centres close to them, there are fewer ‘hops’ in the network. The internet service provider only needs to route the user to our nearest POP, reducing the potential number of problems on the journey.


Lazy Loading

This feature only loads what is going to be shown to the user immediately. Your above-the-fold content will appear in a browser faster by delaying off-screen images or other non-critical resources.

One Click Apps

One click Optimization

With a single click, you can give your website a performance boost on desktop and mobile. An easy risk-free free solution that will improve your PageSpeed scores.

Automatic Image Resizing

One of the menance of a website are slow-loading images. Our image CDN will run a check on your images and resize them for the suitable size for desktop and mobile.

Code minification

We can minify and strip whitespace from our code. Our CDN will compress HTML, CSS and JavaScript files to reduce time spent parsing, compiling and executing it. Network payload is reduced, so sites load faster.

Image Compression

At times, Raw images often carry information that can be compressed or removed without an obvious loss in quality. Our CDN will compress your images for you therefore saving you more time.

Next-Gen image formats

Next-Gen image formats

Our image optimisation tools will convert files to fast-loading next-gen image formats like JPEG 2000, JPEG XR, and WebP.

cdn dashboard

Features at your fingertips

We know that every websites are different which is why our CDN gives you control over every feature directly from the control panel. You can fine tune the performance by making use of the various options available to you.

You get to control whether your images, CSS and Javascripts are cached independently.

There are over 40 different ways to improve your site’s speed by making use of our Website Acceleration Suite. You can as well save your performance settings as a template and apply that same template to any other site in your hosting account

CDN: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

For any company that has an international presence – or wants an international presence – a CDN is important. It means that your website will load fast anywhere in the world. Fast sites lead to more sales and better search performance.

If you buy a domain from Egacweb you’ll enjoy the service and (hopefully!) consider hosting your website with us.

You may be thinking that using a CDN may not be important to your physical business that only serves your community. You should know that having a fast site gives you SEO advantages both locally and internationally. So even if you don’t serve the international market, it will be wise to activate your free CDN and make use of its speed acceleration.

Since the CDN you are getting is free, it is advisable to use it all the time. Using a CDN does not have a disadvantage. Unlike some hosting providers, we do not charge you for the size of bandwidth you use. The only reason you might want to turn off our website acceleration suite is if it interferes with any complex function on your website. You can contact our support team if you encounter any difficulty.

We boastfully tell you not to worry. We promise no ads and everything is above-board. Providing free CDN is our way of making our exquisite web hosting for better value.

EgacWeb paid web hosting is available from $1.99/month

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